CERN Accelerating science

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Video Archive

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Live Webcast - May 10th, 2000
"Antimatter: Mirror of the Universe"

Find out from CERN physicists Alvaro de R�jula, Rolf Landua and Tommy Eriksson the theoretical, experimental and technical aspects of CERN's new antimatter adventure.
The Team.

Live Webcast - November 18th and 21st, 2000
"The Antimatter Factory"

Discover the Antiproton Decelerator (or AD, CERN's new "antimatter factory") and find out how physicists are trying to make antimatter, and why.
The Team.



Video Clip:
CERN in 2 minutes
In only two minutes, a description of CERN and it's main scientific activities.

Video Clip:
The History of Antimatter
From the original idea by P. Dirac in 1928 to the latest scientific achievements.

Video Clip:
Antimatter News
What is going on in different fields of antimatter: the search in space (AMS), the most recent applications (PET scan advancements), news from the universe.

Video Clip:
The Mystery of Antimatter
Why are scientists so interested in antimatter? what's the mystery around it?

Video Clip:
The AD
How are antiprotons produced, collected and decelerated?