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Science Fiction (continued)

  • A Wreath of Stars, by B. Shaw. An antineutrino world passes near Earth.
  • Placet is a crazy place, by F. Brown. The planet Placet orbits two stars, one made of antimatter.
  • Flatlander, by L. Niven (in the short story collection " Neutron Star", 1967). Astronauts investigate an antimatter object at the very edge of known space, with a lot of real physics throw in
  • Broken Symmetries, by P. Preuss (1983). At fictional particle accelerator built by the Japanese and Americans to study proton-antiproton interactions, a political struggle ensues over the production of large quantities of antiprotons for antimatter space propulsion.
  • Fireball, by P. C. W. Davies (1987). Davies depicts worldwide disaster from an infall of meteorites made of antimatter.
  • Turn left at the moon, by R. L. Forward (1988). A short story about the wonders of a cheap antimatter world economy.
  • Between The Stars, by E. Kotani and J. M.Roberts (1988). The authors foresee the use of antimatter for the exploration of nearby planetary systems.
  • Martian Rainbow, by R. L. Forward (1991). Mars is conquered by UN forces under General Alexander Armstrong. Armstrong returns to Earth and becomes supreme dictator of the planet. The story features antimatter rockets and antimatter power sources.
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