CERN Accelerating science

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About LIVEfromCERN

LIVEfromCERN is a series of Internet broadcasts produced at CERN, reaching homes and classrooms in Europe and beyond.

Initiated by physicist Paolo Palazzi in 1999, the series is based on a model created at the Exploratorium, in San Francisco (USA).

Our goal is to raise public awareness and interest in scientific and technological activities, particularly those related to Particle Physics at CERN.

A webcast studio, located at CERN, accommodates a local audience in the style of a live TV production. It operates as a link between the various experimental facilities and a remote audience watching on the Internet. On stage, hosts and guests act as mediators between experimental scientists and the audience. The program is designed to be educational and entertaining. We feature archived video material, interviews, live Q&A, teleconferencing links, music shows and artworks. Language and content are tailored to a target audience of high school students. All content is developed with the goal of stimulating an interest in young minds and creating a fascination for science. Our global audience can join the discussion from their homes and classrooms via e-mail.

At least two months before the event takes place, a comprehensive and attractive website is made available, addressing all of the different scientific aspects of the subject.

The programs are webcast live, then archived on the website. Archives are kept for years to come, allowing a much wider remote audience to review the program at their convenience.